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Homemade Keratin Hair Treatment-Step By Step Procedure

Keratin hair treatment is a type of treatment that is usually washed-up in salons to manage dry, frizzy, and unmanageable hair. In this, keratin is unromantic to the hair strands externally using upper heat in the form of a unappetizing iron. The results for keratin-treated hair last for 2-2.5 months, without which keratin starts to rinse slowly and is completely removed in 6 months. Without 6 months, your hair will completely regain its natural texture.

What is keratin?

Keratin is a type of protein that’s found in epithelial cells on the surface of the skin. Different types of keratin are responsible for the growth and structure of the fingernails, hair, and skin. Keratin is an intermediate filament-forming protein that provides support and a windbreak of protection.

How keratin treatment is washed-up in the salon?

In salons, a keratin treatment is washed-up using a keratin mix. First, your hair is washed properly, then blow-dried completely.

Now hair is divided into so many small sections, and a keratin mix is unromantic on each and every strand with the help of fingers.

Once all hair is covered in keratin mix, it is unliable to rest in hair for 1 hour. Without this, very upper heat is unromantic to hair strands using a unappetizing iron. This upper heat opens up the cuticles and allows keratin mix to infuse inside the hair.

Then without 2 days, hair is washed using sulfate-free shampoo.

Such treatment will normally forfeit you virtually 10-15k depending on your hair length, and it will make your hair soft and manageable for up to 2-2.5 months.

Moreover, all keratin mix contains formaldehyde which when exposed to upper heat, releases vapor which causes the pursuit side effects:

Itching and stinging eyes

Nose and throat irritation

Hair loss and damage

Scalp irritation

Itchy skin

How to know if your hair needs keratin?

damage hair

If your hair is frizzy and has no moisture to them, then probably your hair needs keratin. You can identify this physically by noticing the pursuit signs:

You see a lot of victual hair flying when your hair is tied in a ponytail.

Your hair feels rough to touch

When you try to run your finger through your hair, they are stuck in between.

Why use keratin hair treatment made at home?

dry and frizzy hair

As I said whilom keratin mix comes with formaldehyde and other harsh chemicals which not only harm your health but moreover damages hair. This is why most people wits insane hair fall without such treatments.

Moreover, you are forced to use unrepealable shampoos and conditioners that are well-considered by the salon. Trust me those shampoos and conditioners are very expensive.

So you are spending too much money on keratine treatment and rabble-rousing your hair at the same time. Additionally, this treatment won’t last for plane 6 months. After 6 months, you then have to undergo the same treatment considering the natural texture of your hair has started to reappear.

Most of the time, when all the original texture comes back, the hair becomes rougher than before. When you mutter well-nigh this to your salon, they just say that without keratin you should have taken hair spa every 15 days, then only the results would have lasted longer. In short, you have to spend increasingly to maintain that keratin squint in your hair. But why are we doing this when we can unzip the same effect using simple home remedies.

How homemade keratin hair treatment will help?

Homemade Keratin Treatment For Smooth & Shiny Hair  VedaOils

I believe that every type of hair is trappy whether it is curly, wavy, or straight. You just need to superintendency for them, and you will get the weightier squint out of your natural look.

When your hair is properly conditioned, it will not fly virtually and squint frizzy. Instead, it will stay in place and looks gorgeous.

Trust me you do not need straight hair every day. We want straight hair considering they are increasingly manageable and gives us a sleek and swish look. Whereas curly or wavy hair is all over you when left open.

But if you tame lanugo your natural hair, you will not finger to have straight hair, and for those special occasions when you really need straight hair, you can unchangingly grab a unappetizing iron to do so.

Using unappetizing iron once in a while will not forfeiture your hair expressly when your continuously pampering the hair with oiling, hair mask, etc.

In this article, I am going to tell you 3 ways to make keratin hair treatment at home. These homemade hair treatments are based on rice. As we know rice is highly salubrious for our hair as it provides essential protein to our hair.

I am not saying that these masks will magically turn your hair’s current hair texture upside lanugo in just one use ( as we see in the salon). Instead, continuous usage of these masks will tremendously transform the quality of your hair and will requite you sleek and soft hair.

Also, it is very easy to make these keratine homemade masks that you can wield very often. As soon as you finger that your hair is feeling frizzy, just make one of these masks and apply.

I know you will be amazed to see the results. So, without any remoter delay, let’s begin!!!

How to make keratin Hair Treatment at home

I am going to list 3 methods to make keratin hair treatment at home, all of them are based on rice. I am sure these homemade keratin hair treatments will requite you soft, silky, and manageable hair.

1st Method

Ingredients Required:

rice (boiled)

coconut milk ( grind grated coconut in a mixer and add 3 tbsp of water, strain, and get coconut milk)

olive oil/coconut oil/almond oil


To use this homemade keratin hair treatment you first need to shampoo one day, then use a keratin mask the other day. For example, if you want to use the mask on Sunday, you should have washed your hair on Saturday.

Grind 3 tbsp rice in a mixer.

Divide your hair into sections and then wield this ground-boiled rice in strands properly using a brush.

Keep this in your hair for 20-30 minutes.

Now wash your hair using summery shampoo (paraben and sulfate-free) Use this hair mask once a week to get the weightier results.

2nd method:

Ingredients Required:


Aloe vera gel




Soak 3 tbsp of rice overnight.

Boil the rice for a few minutes in a pressure cooker and indulge 2 whistles.

Let the rice tomfool lanugo in a pressur cooker, then take them out.

Add 2 tbsp aloe vera gel (transparent), 1 tbsp of honey (humectant), 2 tbsp curd.

Blend everything in the mixer.

Apply on hair length (30-40 min)

Wash hair first using water then with a summery shampoo.

3rd method

Ingredients Required:

Egg- 1

Banana – 1

Honey – 2 tbsp

Yogurt – 2 tbsp

Coconut Oil – 1 tbsp

Corn Starch or Maida – 1/2 tbsp


Put everything in a blender.

Now strain everything so that no lumps are left behind.

Wash your hair and dry them completely.

Comb your hair so that there are no tangles.

Apply this mixture to your hair and leave for 1 hour.

Wash using a summery shampoo.

Use once or twice a week for weightier results.

Benefits of rice for hair

Improves hair root strength by nourishing the scalp.

Contains several macro and micronutrients such as vitamins, carbohydrate, and minerals which improves scalp health.

Makes hair smoother.

Detangles hair.

Adds shine to the hair.

Helps hair to grow long and strong.

I hope you liked the article, If you have any suggestions or queries, please finger self-ruling to write them in the scuttlebutt section below.

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